Source code for hta.trace_analysis

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from collections import defaultdict
from enum import auto, Flag
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import pandas as pd

from hta.analyzers.breakdown_analysis import BreakdownAnalysis
from hta.analyzers.communication_analysis import CommunicationAnalysis
from hta.analyzers.cuda_kernel_analysis import CudaKernelAnalysis
from hta.analyzers.cupti_counter_analysis import CuptiCounterAnalysis
from hta.analyzers.straggler import find_stragglers_with_late_start_comm_kernels
from hta.analyzers.straggler_analysis import StragglerAnalysis
from hta.analyzers.trace_counters import TraceCounters
from hta.common.trace import Trace
from hta.configs.config import logger
from hta.configs.default_values import DEFAULT_TRACE_DIR

class TimeSeriesTypes(Flag):
    QUEUE_LENGTH = auto()

[docs]class TraceAnalysis: def __init__( self, trace_files: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None, trace_dir: str = DEFAULT_TRACE_DIR, ): self.t = Trace(trace_files, trace_dir) self.t.load_traces() assert self.t.is_parsed is True
[docs] def get_comm_comp_overlap(self, visualize: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Compute the communication-computation overlap percentage for each rank. Args: visualize (bool): Set to True to display the graph. Default = True. Returns: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing the communication computation overlap percentage for each rank. """ return CommunicationAnalysis.get_comm_comp_overlap(self.t, visualize)
def get_profiler_steps(self) -> List[int]: r""" Get the list of profiler steps. Args: None Returns: List[int] A list of profiler steps. """ return StragglerAnalysis.get_profiler_steps(self.t) def get_potential_stragglers( self, profiler_steps: Optional[List[int]] = None, num_candidates: int = 2, visualize: bool = False, straggler_identification_impl: Callable[ ..., pd.Series ] = find_stragglers_with_late_start_comm_kernels, ) -> List[int]: r""" Identify potential stragglers based on a pre-defined metric computed from the trace. Args: profiler_steps (List[int]) : A list of profiler steps used in the straggler analysis. If None, then use all iterations. num_candidates (int): Number of straggler candidates straggler analysis should look for visualize (bool): Set to True to visualize intermediate results straggler_identification_impl: A function or method which implements a straggler identification algorithm. The function takes a DataFrame, a TraceSymbolTable, num_candidates, and visualize as input and returns a Series with rank as the index and the value as an indicator whether a rank is a potential straggler. Returns: List[int] The list of ranks which can be potential stragglers. Notes: 1. Find all communication kernels which pass the duration test, i.e., kernel duration > mean_iter_time * min_normalized_duration (the default value is 1%). 2. Pick the last kernel for each combination of (iteration, rank, stream, kernel). 3. For each combination of (iteration, stream, kernel), compute the standard deviation of the last kernel duration w.r.t. ranks. 4. Compute the mean value of the last kernel duration standard deviation w.r.t. ranks across all available iterations. If there is only one iteration, the mean value would just be the std computed at 3. 5. Select the (stream, kernel) combination which has the largest mean value computed at 4. 6. Select the normalized start time for the (stream, kernel) combination as the candidate metric for detecting whether a rank will be a straggler. + This method forwards the analysis to the function hta.straggler.default_straggler_identification. + Because most distributed training jobs have one or multiple blocking synchronizations within an iteration, we define a straggler as the trainer which starts later than others and thus causes the largest slowdown of the overall training process. + Because empirical knowledge shows that all-to-all collective communication operators are most likely to have the largest impact on the training performance, this straggler analysis computes a default straggler metric as follows: + This metric is defined for each rank and for each iteration (excluding the last iteration if it should be ignored). + The metrics is passed into a straggler detection algorithm which picks the top k ranks ordered by the metric computed above for each iteration, where k is num_candidates. + For multiple iterations, it is possible that different iteration may return a different set of potential stragglers. The identify_potential_stragglers() will return the counts of how many times each rank is found to be a potential straggler. """ return StragglerAnalysis.get_potential_stragglers( self.t, profiler_steps, num_candidates, visualize, straggler_identification_impl, )
[docs] def get_gpu_kernel_breakdown( self, visualize: bool = True, duration_ratio: float = 0.8, num_kernels: int = 10, include_memory_kernels: bool = True, image_renderer: str = "notebook", ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: r""" Summarizes the time spent by each kernel and by kernel type. Outputs the following graphs: 1. Pie chart indicating the percentage of time taken by each kernel type. 2. Pie charts showing the most time consuming kernels for each rank for each kernel type. 3. Bar graphs showing the average duration for the most time consuming kernels for each rank and each kernel type. Args: visualize (boolean): Set to True to display the graphs. Default = True. duration_ratio (float): Floating point value between 0 and 1 specifying the ratio of time taken by top COMM/COMP/MEMORY kernels. Default = 0.8. num_kernels (int): Maximum number of COMM/COMP/MEMORY kernels to show. Default = 10. include_memory_kernels (bool): Whether to include MEMORY kernels in the analysis. Default = True. image_renderer (str): Set to ``notebook`` when using jupyter and ``jupyterlab`` when using jupyter-lab. To see all available options execute: ``import plotly;`` in a python shell. Returns: Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame] Returns two dataframes. The first dataframe shows the percentage of time spent by kernel type. The second dataframe shows the min, max, mean, standard deviation, total time taken by each kernel on each rank. This dataframe will be summarized based on values of ``duration_ratio`` and ``num_kernels``. If both ``duration_ratio`` and ``num_kernels`` are specified, ``num_kernels`` takes precedence. """ return BreakdownAnalysis.get_gpu_kernel_breakdown( self.t, visualize, duration_ratio, num_kernels, include_memory_kernels, image_renderer, )
[docs] def get_temporal_breakdown(self, visualize: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Compute the idle time, compute time and non-compute time for each rank. Time is measured in nanoseconds (ns). non-compute time is defined as the total time the GPU is not executing a compute operation such as data transfers, copying to/from memory and communication collectives. (In the strictest sense communication collectives do some compute but we classify it as a communication operation). Args: visualize (bool): Set to True to display the graphs. Default = True. Returns: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing the raw value and percentage of idle time, compute time and non-compute time for each rank. """ return BreakdownAnalysis.get_temporal_breakdown(self.t, visualize)
[docs] def get_frequent_cuda_kernel_sequences( self, operator_name: str, output_dir: str, min_pattern_len: int = 3, rank: int = 0, top_k: int = 5, visualize: bool = False, compress_other_kernels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Computes the most frequent CUDA kernel sequences originating from the CPU op with name ``operator_name``. Generates a dataframe summarizing the sequence of kernels, their frequency and total time taken. Additionally, writes a new trace file to ``output_dir`` with the top_k frequent patterns overlaid on top of the original trace file. Args: operator_name (str): Name of the operator from which the CUDA kernels are launched. output_dir (str): Output folder path containing the new trace file with overlaid top k frequent patterns. min_pattern_len (int): Minimum length of the CUDA kernel sequences that should be identified. Default = 3. rank (int): Rank on which the analysis is performed. Default = 0. top_k (int): top_k patterns in terms of frequency to be visualized and overlaid. Default = 5. visualize (bool): Whether to show the histogram of top_k frequent patterns inline. Default = True. compress_other_kernels (bool): Should the names and args for other kernels not belonging to any frequent patterns be compressed to save memory in the overlaid trace file. Default = True. Returns: pd.DataFrame A dataframe with frequent cuda kernel sequences and their frequencies. """ return CudaKernelAnalysis.get_frequent_cuda_kernel_sequences( self.t, operator_name, output_dir, min_pattern_len, rank, top_k, visualize, compress_other_kernels, )
[docs] def get_cuda_kernel_launch_stats( self, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, runtime_cutoff: int = 50, launch_delay_cutoff: int = 100, include_memory_events: bool = True, visualize: bool = True, ) -> Dict[int, pd.DataFrame]: r""" For each event launched on the GPU there is a corresponding scheduling event on the CPU. These events are linked by a common correlation id. This feature calculates the duration of the CPU op, GPU kernel and the launch delay (difference between gpu kernel starting and cpu op ending for each correlation id on the specified rank(s). This function finds: 1. GPU events with a shorter duration than the corresponding CPU events. 2. CPU runtime events with a large duration i.e. outliers. The outliers are defined using the ``runtime_cutoff`` value. 3. CPU events which have a large launch delay i.e. launch delay outliers. The launch delay outliers are defined using the ``launch_delay_cutoff`` value. Args: ranks (List[int]): List of ranks on which to run the analysis. Default = [0]. runtime_cutoff (int): Duration in microseconds to determine outliers for cuda runtime events. Default = 50 microseconds. launch_delay_cutoff (int): Duration in microseconds to determine outliers for launch delay. Default value is 100 microseconds. include_memory_events (bool): Toggle to include cudaMemcpyAsync and cudaMemsetAsync events. Default = True. visualize (bool): Toggle to display the generated graphs. Default = True. Returns: Dict[int, pd.DataFrame] The function returns a dictionary of dataframes. The key corresponds to the rank and the value is a dataframe containing the cpu_duration, gpu_duration and launch_delay for each correlation id. """ if ranks is None: ranks = [0] return CudaKernelAnalysis.cuda_kernel_launch_stats( self.t, ranks, runtime_cutoff, launch_delay_cutoff, include_memory_events, visualize, )
[docs] def generate_trace_with_counters( self, time_series: Optional[TimeSeriesTypes] = None, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, output_suffix: str = "_with_counters", ) -> None: r""" Adds a set of time series to the trace in order to aid debugging traces. Creates a new trace file for each requested rank with the a suffix '_with_counters.json'. The following time series are available in TimeSeriesTypes flag type. 1. Queue length - adds a time series to the trace indicating the size of the queue at any given time on each CUDA stream. 2. Memory copy bandwidth - adds a time series to the trace indicating the memory bandwidth used for device to host, host to device and device to device operations. Either or both of the above can be enabled. Args: time_series (Flag): Used to set the requested time series. Available values are TimeSeriesTypes.QUEUE_LENGTH and TimeSeriesTypes.MEMCPY_BANDWIDTH. By default both time series are added to the trace. ranks (List[int]): List of ranks to generate the counters for. Default = [0]. output_suffix (str): Suffix to add to the trace file. Default = '_with_counters.json.gz' Returns: None """ if ranks is None or len(ranks) == 0: ranks = [0] if time_series is None: time_series = ( TimeSeriesTypes.QUEUE_LENGTH | TimeSeriesTypes.MEMCPY_BANDWIDTH ) counter_events: Dict[int, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = defaultdict(list) if output_suffix == "": output_suffix = "_with_counters" def add_time_series( series_dict: Dict[int, pd.DataFrame], counter_name: str, counter_col: str ): nonlocal counter_events """accept a rank -> time series dict and append it""" for rank, series in series_dict.items(): if "stream" in series.columns: series.rename(columns={"stream": "id"}, inplace=True) ce = self.t.convert_time_series_to_events( series, counter_name, counter_col ) counter_events[rank].extend(ce) if TimeSeriesTypes.QUEUE_LENGTH in time_series: add_time_series( series_dict=TraceCounters.get_queue_length_time_series(self.t, ranks), counter_name="Queue Length", counter_col="queue_length", ) if TimeSeriesTypes.MEMCPY_BANDWIDTH in time_series: add_time_series( series_dict=TraceCounters.get_memory_bw_time_series(self.t, ranks), counter_name="Memcpy BW", counter_col="memory_bw_gbps", ) for rank, ev_list in counter_events.items(): raw_trace_content = self.t.get_raw_trace_for_one_rank(rank=rank) raw_trace_content["traceEvents"].extend(ev_list) output_file = self.t.trace_files[rank].replace( ".json", f"{output_suffix}.json" )"Writing trace with counters for rank {rank} to {output_file}") self.t.write_raw_trace(output_file, raw_trace_content)
[docs] def get_queue_length_summary( self, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: r""" Queue length is defined as the number of outstanding CUDA operations on a stream. This functions calculates the summary statistics for the queue length on each CUDA stream for the specified ranks. Args: ranks (List[int]): List of ranks for which to queue length summary is calculated. Default = [0]. Returns: pd.DataFrame or None A dataframe summarizing the queue length statistics. The dataframe contains count, min, max, standard deviation, 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles. The function returns None when the dataframe is empty. """ return TraceCounters.get_queue_length_summary(self.t, ranks)
[docs] def get_queue_length_time_series( self, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> Dict[int, pd.DataFrame]: r""" Queue length is defined as the number of outstanding CUDA operations on a stream. This function calculates the time series for the queue length on each CUDA stream for the specified ranks. Args: ranks (List[int]): List of ranks for which the queue length time series is generated. Default = [0]. Returns: Dict[int, pd.DataFrame] Returns a dictionary whose key is the rank and value is a dataframe of queue length counter events. The following fields are in each row of the dataframe: ts (timestamp), pid (process id), tid (thread id), stream, and queue length. """ return TraceCounters.get_queue_length_time_series(self.t, ranks)
[docs] def get_memory_bw_summary( self, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Summarizes the memory bandwidth statistics for memory copy and memset operations. This includes memory bandwidth for copies from Device to Host, Host to Device and Device to Device transfers. Note, this does not include memory bandwidth used by compute/communication kernels. Args: ranks (List[int]): List of ranks for which memory bandwidth is calculated. Default = [0]. Returns: pd.DataFrame or None A dataframe containing the summary statistics. The dataframe includes count, min, max, standard deviation, 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of memory copy/memset operations. The function returns None when the dataframe is empty. """ return TraceCounters.get_memory_bw_summary(self.t, ranks)
[docs] def get_memory_bw_time_series( self, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> Dict[int, pd.DataFrame]: r""" Calculates the time series for memory copy bandwidth used by memcpy and memset operations in GB/s. The memory bandwidth is calculated for host to device, device to host and device to device copies. Note, this does not include memory bandwidth used by computation or communication kernels. Args: ranks (List[int]): List of ranks for which the memory bandwidth time series is generated. Default = [0]. Returns: Dict[int, pd.DataFrame] Returns a dictionary whose key is the rank and value is a dataframe of memory bandwidth counter events. The following fields are in each row of the dataframe: ts (timestamp), pid (process id), tid (thread id), name (memcpy/memset), and memory bandwidth in GB/s. """ return TraceCounters.get_memory_bw_time_series(self.t, ranks)
[docs] def get_idle_time_breakdown( self, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, streams: Optional[List[int]] = None, visualize: bool = True, visualize_pctg: bool = True, show_idle_interval_stats=False, consecutive_kernel_delay: int = 30, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: r""" GPU is considered idle when no kernel is running on it. Idle time is broken down into 3 categories. 1. Host wait time: a GPU or stream is idle because the CPU thread has not enqueued enough kernels to keep it occupied. 2. Kernel wait time: This is the duration between kernels and is considered an overhead of launching multiple small kernels. We use the following heuristic to classify the duration as kernel wait: duration between consecutive kernels < ``consecutive_kernel_delay``. 3. Other wait time: In this case the idle time is attributed to an unknown cause. For example, a compute kernel could be waiting for a CUDA event from a communication kernel to complete. Args: ranks (List[int]): List of ranks for which idle time breakdown is computed. Default = [0]. streams (List[int]): List of streams to provide analysis for. Defaults to all streams. visualize (bool): Set to True to show the graph. Default = True. visualize_pctg (bool): Show relative percentage across streams. Default = True. show_idle_interval_stats (bool): Returns statistics of the idle intervals like the min, max and median of idle intervals between kernels on a CUDA stream, also broken down by the idleness category. Default = False. consecutive_kernel_delay (int): Configures the threshold under which we consider gaps between kernels to be due to realistic delays in launching back to back kernels on the GPU. Default = 30 nanoseconds. Returns: Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional[pd.DataFrame]] A tuple of dataframes. The first dataframe contains the idle time category and duration for each stream on each rank. The second dataframe contains the summary statistics (count, min, max, mean, standard deviation, 25th, 50th, 75th percentile) for each idle category for each stream on each rank. """ if ranks is None or len(ranks) == 0: ranks = [0] idle_time_df_list: List[pd.DataFrame] = [] interval_df_list: List[pd.DataFrame] = [] for rank in ranks: idle_time_r_df, interval_r_df = BreakdownAnalysis.get_idle_time_breakdown( self.t, consecutive_kernel_delay, rank, streams, visualize, visualize_pctg, show_idle_interval_stats, ) idle_time_df_list.append(idle_time_r_df) if interval_r_df is not None: interval_df_list.append(interval_r_df) return ( pd.concat(idle_time_df_list), pd.concat(interval_df_list) if show_idle_interval_stats else None, )
[docs] def get_cupti_counter_data_with_operators( self, ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> List[pd.DataFrame]: r"""Performance counters provide insights on how to speed up GPU kernels. The PyTorch Profiler has a lightweight API [CUPTI Range Profiler API]( that enables users to monitor performance counters from the device. When the CUPTI Profiler mode is enabled then PyTorch will emit the performance counters and annotates them in the trace. * The events are logged under the `cuda_profiler_range` category. * Counter values are logged in the `args` section of the trace. This API can investigate performance measurements per kernel and associate them to operators that the kernel belongs to. A single kernel can map to multiple levels of operators (as operators can be nested). To represent this we basically provide a list column called `op_stack`. For further convenience we add the top and bottom level operator column as well. Args: ranks (List[int]): List of ranks on which to run the analysis. Default = [0]. Returns: List[pd.DataFrame] A list of dataframes, one per rank, containing kernel name, op_stack (operator stack), top and bottom level op, and columns for individual performance counters. """ return CuptiCounterAnalysis.get_counter_data_with_operators(self.t, ranks)