Communication Computation Overlap

In distributed training a significant amount of time is spent in communication and synchronization events between GPUs. To achieve high GPU efficiency (i.e. TFLOPS/GPU) it is vital to keep the GPU oversubscribed with computation kernels. In other words, the GPU should not be blocked due to unresolved data dependencies. One way to measure the extent to which computation is blocked by data dependencies is to calculate the communication computation overlap. Higher GPU efficiency is observed if communication events overlap computation events. Lack of communication and computation overlap will lead to the GPU being idle, thus the efficiency would be low. To sum up, higher communication computation overlap is desirable. To calculate the overlap percentage for each rank we measure the following ratio:

(time spent in computation while communicating) / (time spent in communication)

Communication computation overlap can be calculated as follows:

analyzer = TraceAnalysis(trace_dir = "/path/to/trace/folder")
overlap_df = analyzer.get_comm_comp_overlap()

The function returns a dataframe containing the overlap percentage for each rank.


When the visualize argument is set to True, the get_comm_comp_overlap function also generates a bar graph representing the overlap by rank.
